circular hey       hey on end       straight hey        mirror hey       cross hey
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Notes: circular hey
The circular hey for a two couple set is simplest of all the heys and diagram does little to explain the hey. All move forward and make 90 degree turn into center of the square at each corner. Beginners often turn 270 degrees but this is easily corrected.

This hey is often described as alternately passing by the right shoulder and then left shoulder. Another description, that indicates direction, is alternate left and right shoulder leads.

When done precisely in longway set the pattern has all dancers in single line when passing by right shoulder.

The diagram show after two changes of circular hey the couples progressed and improper, and after three changes the couples are progressed and proper.

If the hey ends after three changes it is done in eight beats of music. Why? Three changes are progression and using eight beat is easy way of fitting progression into other figures.

Notes: straight hey
The common way to start a straight hey is with first couple facing down, and second and third couples facing up. The men and women perform the same steps. Worth noting is that lines stay equal distance a part. This pattern should be compared with the Grimstock hey.

The crossings of the line are on beats 4 and 12. It makes sense for third couple to delay the start to facilitate the crossing.

The loops or arcs can be wide or narrow depending tempo of music, or what style dancers like.

Notes: Grimstock hey
In the straight hey both the mens lines and womens line execute the same pattern. In the Grimstock hey the womans part is "mirror" image of mens. All the shoulder passes and sideward movements are reversed. The first and second women start by passing left shoulder.

The result is each couple meets during the hey, in order; 1st and 3rd, 2cd, 1st and 3rd, 2cd. When meeting they can acknowledge one another or touch hands. There is also the arch variation where couple will move under arched arms of couple coming toward them.

Notes: cross hey
One way to remember where to go is that when at end of the line both partners move toward the other line to meet and then back to center of the line. This out at the end and in at the middle.

The cross hey is much like the Grimstock hey. The second and third couples parts are exactly the same. The difference is the first couple cross into opposite line on first two beats. The woman crosses first.

After the pattern is complete the first couple is improper. Usually the pattern is repeated to have the first couple proper. In the repeat the woman, although being in mans position, again crosses first.

Notes: hey on end
Diagram shows three couple set with woman moving up to hey with couple above and man moving down to hey with couple below. The same pattern is used in two couple set, however, the hey can only be done on one end.